
Hungarian State Folk Ensemble - Sunlegend

Hungarian State Folk Ensemble - Sunlegend

'Sunlegend' is a tale of the Sun and its various phases (day, night, eclipse, full moon) mirrored in human life and Hungarian history.

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Last event date: Saturday, December 14 2019 7:00PM

'Sunlegend' spectacularly features the perfect harmony of Nikola Parov's music and Gábor Mihályi's choreography. The show meets the requirements of the 21st century audience, being a unique and powerful combination of the ancient motives, the dynamic quality of traditional movements, mysticism and music in a fresh, modern tone.

It is a tale of the Sun and its various phases (day, night, eclipse, full moon) mirrored in human life and Hungarian history.

Sunlegend is a two-part performance with 17 smaller scenes, therefore it is suitable for presentation in excerpts as well.

Forty dancers and two singers, computer-controlled lighting and special effects provide the audience with an unforgettable dance and music experience.

Sunlegend is a breathtaking show inspired by folklore, yet with a powerful modern message. Its fresh and dynamic conception includes the rhythmic movements of traditional Eastern European dance and new choreographic ideas alike.

The production is firmly set in the 21st Century, and conveys a disconcerting glimpse of the future through archaic ethnic images.

The choreographer Gábor Mihályi was chosen "The Best Author of the Year" by the Association of Hungarian Dancers for making Sunlegend.


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